404-885-1234 Georgia Advocacy Office One West Court Square Suite 625 Decatur, GA 30030 United States


Atlanta Legal Aid Society: www.atlantalegalaid.org 

Assistive technology and toys: www.lekotekga.org 

Babies Can’t Wait/ Early Intervention: http://health.state.ga.us/programs/bcw/ 

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: www.bazelon.org 

Brain Injury Association of Georgia: http://www.braininjurygeorgia.org 

Center for Leadership in Disability: www.cld-gsu.org

Champions for Children: www.championsforchildrenga.org/ 

ChildKind: www.childkind.org 

EveryChild, Inc.: www.everychildtexas.org 

Friends of Disabled Adults and Children: www.fodac.org

Georgia Advocacy Office: www.thegao.org

Georgia Aging and Disability Resource Center: www.georgiaadrc.com 

Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities: http://dbhdd.georgia.gov/portal/site/DBHDD/

Gerogia Council on Developmental Disabilities: www.gcdd.org 

Georgia Legal Services: www.glsp.org 

Georgia Tools for Life: www.gatfl.org 

Inclusion Press: www.inclusion.com 

Not Home Documentary: www.nothomedocumentary.com

Parent to Parent of Georgia: www.p2pga.org

Social Security Benefits for Children with Disabilities: http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10026.html